A Small Victory

Today while visiting some friends with Mommy and Daddy, the question came up of how I got hurt and what was going to happen next. Daddy was watching me play and said “Wow, I really do think she’d be better off without it!”


Daddy has come to terms with the amputation surgery. He realized how much trouble my leg really was giving me and finally is at peace with Mommy’s decision. This makes Mommy SO happy and she was struggling with being sure she made the right decision for me. I tried to tell her, dogs don’t care what they look like! I am always happy no matter what is going on. Even when it was raining today! I thought it was fun to try and catch the raindrops in my mouth!

In other news, my Pawrents had a great time for Mommy’s birthday this past weekend. I was so good while they were away. No accidents. No chewing anything up. Just being a good girl. And Mommy and Daddy seem so much happier now. I think they finally got some good quality time. And I am becoming a very well-trained and wonderful dog! Mommy has been so very happy with me and the progress I am making so quickly!


And then today, when Mommy and me got to work, I got a special treat for being so good! A lovely bone to chew!! Now, it’s getting late and I’m probably going to bed with Mommy soon. We have work tomorrow!

<3 Super Sprite


Hello Tripawds!

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Hello! My name is Sprite. Mommy calls me Super Sprite. I am a 4 month old mixed breed puppy who was run over accidentally. I suffered a break to my femur in my left rear leg and fractured both sides of my pelvis. After pinning surgery, Mommy worked very hard to keep my knee and ankle moving, but it just didn’t work. Now,  she and my vet have decided it best to take the leg. Thus, I am soon to be a Tripawd!!

After my recovery from amputation surgery, Mommy wants to have me Service Dog Certified so that I can go to children’s hospitals and help inspire kids to KEEP ON WAGGIN’ or in their case, to keep on fighting whatever it is that has them in the hospital. Because I am such a people lover and so very smart and easy to train, Mommy cannot WAIT to get me out there showing children that a little pawsitive attitude goes a long way!!

You can see more pictures of me at https://www.facebook.com/nemerabengals/media_set?set=a.440352912729385.1073741831.100002640400500&type=3


<3 Super Sprite